Rabu, 04 Januari 2012


despite the prevalence, various people do not postulate epilepsy also seizure disorders, therefrom scientists and others are alacrity upon ways to put an end to persistent myths and misconceptions about the condition. These charge break ground to discrimination in its workplace, or during school, and hinder beginning diagnosis and timely treatment of individuals with its disorder.

Among its nation's 2.7 million people who have epilepsy, 400,000 are Hispanics. the explore conducted by the Epilepsy Foundation about the ideology and attitudes of the Latino community favorable epilepsy found that one-fourth of Hispanics relate seizures to death again more than half would not disclose that a family member has epilepsy, indicating a wonderful degree of nuisance and stigma associated duck the condition.

About 31 percent of Hispanics lap up individuals with epilepsy can't hold the job, associated to the three percent of non-Hispanics who consider this mindset. its akin number of Hispanics believe individuals cloak epilepsy are dangerous to others, while 17 percent of non-Hispanics agree-a disturbing reconciliation in both groups. direction addition, approximately 9 percent of Hispanics believe people smuggle epilepsy scantiness intelligence or spiritual faith. the akin number believes the condition is foul. Nine percent again understand epilepsy is caused through one's sins or an evil spirit.

As considering treatments, 30 percent believe effect herbal remedies and six percent think the spiritual healer or exorcism is best. These treatment ideology are critical because they encumbrance lead to factual diagnostic delays, which liability means unnecessary disabilities and companionable isolation.

"Epilepsy can transpire to anyone, anywhere, at each time," oral Eric Hargis, president and CEO of the Epilepsy grounds. "People must postulate that epilepsy is a manageable, treatable condition besides that leading the productive vitality is possible. Our genesis is to amplify its Hispanic community's knowledge of epilepsy, since well thanks to support them get its chart they need."

The campaign "Epilepsy: It's More Common Than you Think" is part of its Foundation's outreach to distant populations and its deal to ensure that people suppress seizures can participate in intact of life's practice. It and seeks to prevent, control and heal epilepsy due to research, education, advocacy besides services.see more explanation ;
chemotherapy drugs

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